Events Host

Edie is an experienced and highly sought-after host for in-person, virtual and hybrid events and has a wealth of experience chairing events for a variety of cultures, clients and settings around the world.

She is delighted to work with the event organisers beforehand to help shape the discussions to elicit the right amount of energy, diplomatically manage the speakers and keep the audience actively engaged.



Artificial IntelligenceSustainable Development GoalsClimate Change and cleantechFuture of CitiesTechnology and EntrepreneursPower of Podcasts

Events Gallery

Recent Posts – Events

WHO Europe Public Health Leadership Course 2024 – Kyiv, Ukraine

So happy to be part of the faculty delivering a Public Health Leadership course in Ukraine. It's…

Reflecting on FII Asia – Megatrends shaping Humanity

To bring 2023 to a close, I headed to Hong Kong to attend FII Institute's PRIORITY Asia Summit,…

FII 2023 – The New Compass

This year's Future Investment Initiative's brought together investors, business leaders,…