A 3D printer for every school would encourage innovation

THE WEEK - JUNE 2014 Launch of a $500 printer from California boosts UK campaign to get…

What Las Vegas can teach us about backing entrepreneurs

THE WEEK - MAY 2014 Tony Hsieh's Downtown Project encourages people to take the leap: it's just…

Staggering school holidays will hurt working parents

THE WEEK - MAY 2014 #Staggered: join my campaign to keep school holidays unified - David Cameron is…

40% of online advertising misses the target: here’s why

THE WEEK - MAY 2014 Make them funny, sexy, cute and illuminating – but what really matters is that…

Fly me to the moon: Oculus Rift is just the beginning

THE WEEK - APRIL 2014 Will Zuckerberg keep to his promise to promote virtual reality outside of the…

Could we live 40 years longer? The gene merchants think so

THE WEEK - MARCH 2014 And why not modify our bodies with the gene that enables polar bears to keep…

Anti-social networking – or how secrecy became all the rage

THE WEEK - MARCH 2014 Cloak pulls in public location data to help you avoid people – and it's just…

The Uberfication of everything: sharing economy is here to stay

THE WEEK - FEBRUARY 2014 What the Uber taxi service, arriving in London from San Francisco, says…

A world without banks: why Barclays and co should be afraid

THE WEEK - FEBRUARY 2014 Tech companies are trusted more than banks – so why shouldn’t Apple or…

If We Want Economic Growth, Let Information Flow

HUB CULTURE JANUARY 2014 So it's been a big day for discussing information at Hub Culture Davos.…