6 December 2016
How To Speak with Confidence in Public Book Review from Dante Magazine
Speaking Out: Sound Good in Public In our second book review, broadcaster and public speaker…
28 January 2016
Professor Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Laureate, “one limitation of charity is that money goes towards wonderful work but it doesn’t come back”
It was an honour and a delight to interview Professor Muhammad Yunus in the Ice House in Davos in…
20 January 2014
If We Want Economic Growth, Let Information Flow
HUB CULTURE JANUARY 2014 So it's been a big day for discussing information at Hub Culture Davos.…
21 October 2013
Standardize All School Half Terms
I wonder if David Cameron’s cabinet had more women, as his wife Samantha points out needs to be…
20 October 2013
Selling My Body to Science: A Field Guide
HUB CULTURE OCTOBER 2013 Hub Culture Executive Editor Edie Lush weighs in on the quantified self…
21 January 2013
For America, is the best yet to come?
Seven Hills Debate – 21st January 2013, The Corinthia, London The good folks at Seven Hills asked…
20 January 2013
Go East – For a Brighter Future
HUB CULTURE JANUARY 2013 Dateline: London, Edie Lush; Executive Editor, Hub Culture I was struck by…
21 January 2012
Davos report: VC Accel Partners’ Joe Schoendorf on cloud sourcing democracy & Silicon Valley job
A year ago in Davos WEF participants watched as the Tunisian revolution spread to Egypt, fueled by…
21 July 2011
Clean Energy Intel’s Edie Lush interviews British Solar King Jeremy Leggett
Discussion of whether demand for solar will hold up have been very topical recently. There’s clear…